Monday, September 21, 2009

Thanks to the Barefoot Drivers!

I just wanted to say “Thank You” to all of the Barefoot Drivers.  No, I am not happy that you are not a customer.  A Heel Shield is a much better option than driving barefoot – keeps the inside and outside of the shoe clean. 

And, barefoot drivers probably don’t realize that along with the dirt from their car mats (that is going into the ‘shoes they are trying to save’) are thousands  of bacteria.  And, we all know what bacteria does in dark damp places! 

I realize that  for years you have tried all sorts of things to protect the outside of your shoe, (towels and special mats) – but Heel Shields weren’t invented yet.  So you settled on barefoot driving.  I am sorry that the inside of your shoes may have an odor and the inside not look so good.  I am sorry it took so long to get Heel Shields on the market.  But I thank you for validating the need for Heel Shields by taking off your shoes to PROTECT YOUR SHOE INVESTMENT!

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