Monday, October 27, 2008

TROUBLE walking in some of your heels?

Do you have trouble walking in some of your heels? Have you found that some of your shoes feel a little high? Do your heels feel wobbly? Is your footing unsure? Maybe your heels are a little too HIGH!

I have worn heels since my graduation from grammar school - many, many, many years. I feel more comfortable in heels than flats. I put my heels on in the morning and keep them on until bedtime. I love my shoes. However, I recently bought shoes that I thought were too high.

So, I took them to my favorite shoe repair shop to see if the height of the heels could be altered. Of course, the problem could be fixed. The shoe repair man looked at the shoes and decided how much of the heel could be cut off to make the shoes more comfortable for me to wear without affecting the look of the shoe.

Well, I have to say, I was EXTREMELY happy when I got my shoes back. The shoes were more comfortable and steady to walk in. If you ever feel like you are teetering on the edge, take your shoes to your neighborhood shoe repair shop for the proper adjustment!

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